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Publication: Endless Brutality -Killing of Joseph Pararajasingam, MP for Batticaloa, Sri Lanka
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) strongly condemns the escalating political killings in Sri Lanka, which may plunge the country into the abyss of war and chaos. It's deplorable that people of all walks of defenders, social and community workers, NGO staff, lowers, students, women, educators, priests and members of political parties, progressive organizations and trade unions. With then die their dreams, idealism, commitment, courage, youth, love and hope. A part of us perishes with them and the hopes and dreams of communities and the nation they represent are shattered.
Publication: TSunami Situation Report - No.6
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The tsunami of 26 December 2004 devastated the lives of millions of people in the Indian Ocean region. After a year, despite massive amounts of aid provided to the countries in the region, the long-term livelihood prospects of survivors remain uncertain. International agencies say that the pace of permanent housing reconstruction has been slow and is not meeting the expectations of the tsunami's survivors.
Publication: TSunami Situation Report - No.5
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The Millennium Development Goals Country Report 2005 by the Sri Lankan National Council for Economic Development (NCED) says that those who bore the brunt of the tsunami attack were the most vulnerable in society such as coastal communities and those in the North and East region. The percentage of the coastal population affected, ranges from an estimated 35% in Kilinochchi to 80% in Mullaitivu and 78% in Amparai. Less than 20% of the coastal population in the southern districts of Galle, Matara and Hambantota were affected. The tsunami affected the livelihoods of poor sectors such as coastal fishermen, workers in the informal sector, people servicing fisheries and tourist industries and small scale farmers, causing greater vulnerability to poverty.
Publication: TSunami Situation Report - No.4
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The Indian Ocean region was gripped by panic when another massive underwater earthquake on 28 March 2005 devastated the Indonesian island of Nias. The death toll is said to be in the region of 1,000. Tsunami warnings were issued in the region, including in Sri Lanka, India and Malaysia and the people in coastal areas were quickly evacuated to safer places. On hearing the news about the earthquake over the BBC and from international agencies, members of the Tamil community living abroad and community organizations immediately contacted organizations and individuals throughout the north-east region and southern areas, to pass on the warning. The prompt action was appreciated by agencies and individuals in Sri Lanka.
Publication: TSunami Situation Report - No.3
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The official death toll as reported by the Sri Lankan government stands at 30,957 as of 25 January 2005, with 20,554 in the north-east. More than 10,430 people died in Amparai District. Around 5,644 are reported missing and presumed dead, according to the Sri Lankan government. But the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) has reported that more than 14,400 are missing in the north-east. The final death toll is expected to be around 45,000 island-wide, and 30,000 in the north-east alone. There are over 15,190 injured nationwide, with more than 7,400 in the north-east. The government says that over 502,450 people are displaced from their homes by the Tsunami. Of these, 282,790 are displaced in the north-east (See Appendix 2).
Publication: TSunami Situation Report - No.2
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The official death toll as reported by the Sri Lankan government stands at 30,718 as of 7 January 2005. More than 10,400 people died in Amparai District. Around 4,930 are reported missing and presumed dead, according to the Sri Lankan government. But the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) has reported that more than 14,400 are missing in the north-east. The final death toll is expected to be around 45,000 island-wide, and 30,000 in the north-east alone. There are over14,500 injured nationwide, with more than 5,000 in the north-east.
Publication: TSunami Situation Report - No.1
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The official death toll as reported by the Sri Lankan government stands at 28,805 as of 31 December 2004. However, bodies are still being recovered and several outlying areas have not yet been reached by rescue teams, particularly in the north-east. Several thousands of people are reported missing and presumed dead. The final death figure is expected to be well over 45,000 islandwide, and in the north-east alone in excess of 30,000. There are over 25,000 injured nationwide, with 15,000 in the north-east alone. It is estimated that over a million people are displaced from their homes, around 600,000 in the north-east. Sri Lanka has suffered more infrastructure damage than other countries affected by the tsunami.
Publication: Thulasi - News Letter_Issue 2 -2004
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
There is grave concern over the internecine killings that are striking fear in hearts of the people in the Tamil homeland. Since the ceasefire agreement of 22 February 2002, more than 150 people have been murdered. Most of the dead are members or supporters of Tamil militant groups and they accuse the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Since Col. Karuna broke away from the LTTE in March 2004, a number of LTTE members or supporters have also been killed. Most killings have been taken place in Batticaloa, but there have been assassinations in Colombo, Trincomalee, Jaffna and Mannar.
Publication: Thulasi - News Letter_Issue 1 -2004
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
A legal challenge by the Tamil Information Centre (TIC) against two Authorizations issued in April 2001 under the Race Relations Act has benefited Tamils all over the world including British passport holders. The Race Relations Act outlaws discrimination on grounds of color, race, nationality or ethnic or national origin in public functions, such as law enforcement by police, immigration or Home Office officials. But it contains an exclusionary section (Section 19D), which permits the Home Minister to authorize discrimination on grounds of nationality or ethnic or national origin in carrying out immigration and nationality functions. The Secretary of State for the Home Department exercised his powers under this section in April 2001 and issued two Authorizations.
Publication: Tamil Women - Action for equality, dvelopment and peace in Sri Lanka
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) has strived to assert that women’s rights are fundamental rights, which should be promoted. The Tamil national conflict in Sri Lanka has brought terror and deprivation to thousands of Tamil speaking women in the northeast Tamil homeland.
Publication: Canadian Supreme Court reaffirms the importance of international norms
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) welcomes the landmark decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in the deportation case of Tamil activist Manickavasagam Suresh. The judgment may have implications for other refugees not only in Canada but other nations as well. This comes at a time when Western governments are attempting, in the face of the 11 September attacks in New York, to justify erosion of the rights of refugees and other rights guaranteed in international law.
Events: Then Thuruva Salangai - Dancers from Nrithakshetra School of Indian Classical Dance (Australia)
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
Winston Chuchhill Hall, Pinn Way, Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 7QL
Publication: The attack on US shows the need for long-term solutions to prevent terrorism
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) is deeply shocked over horrific criminal attack against innocent civilians in the USA. The scale of human tragedy is beyond comprehension and must not be allowed to happen again. This action is a vicious act of terrorism and a crime against humanity.
Publication: On the Government's Terrorism Act 2000 and the proscription of the LTTE
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
This urgent briefing aims to address the British Members of Parliament and Peers on the impact of proscribing the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) under the Terrorism Act 2000. The contents should be viewed in conjunction with current developments to achieve peace and find a permanent solution to the conflict in Sri Lanka.
Publication: The Thimpu Talks
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is essentially a post-colonial phenomenon. The inability – or unwillingness- of the Sinhalese ruling class to come to terms with the multi-ethnic, multi lingual, multi religious character of the island’s society has been at the root of the growing ethnic and social divide on the country. While Ceylon (later Sri Lanka) has been limping from crisis to crisis, with worsening relations between communities, it was the July 1983 pogrom against the Tamils that became the defining factor in shaping the subsequent history of the Island.
Publication: The need for international intervention to prevent persecution of Tamils in Sri Lanka
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
Tamils in Colombo and other southern areas are living in fear as a result of government restrictions, search operations and arrests by security forces. The fear among the Tamil community has heightened since the introduction of new Emergency regulations on 3 May 2000, widening the powers of the President, state officers and the security forces. Substantial numbers of Tamils have fled the country as refugees and the number continues to rise. More than 208,800 Sri Lankans, made applications for asylum worldwide between 1989 and 1998, most of whom are Tamils, and 56,400 (27%) were granted UN Convention refugee status and 18,000 (8.8%) were allowed to remain on humanitarian grounds
Publication: The Cost of Freedom-The Killing of Nirmalarajan
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The Tamil Information Centre condemns the killing of Journalist Mylvaganam Nirmalarajan at his Jaffna home on 19 October and calls for swift action by the government to investigate the killing, publicize its findings, bring to justice those responsible for the killing, curb the powers of armed groups and refrain from interference with the media’s right to inform the public. The horrific killing of Nirmalarajan indicate the dangerous conditions under which journalists and human rights activists continue to operate in Sri Lanka.
Publication: Tamil people's endless tragedy under news blockade
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
As the war in Sri Lanka shows no sign of abating, the fighting in Jaffna has resulted in more suffering for the civilians of the north who have endured years of displacement and threatens to bring about a humanitarian crisis. Communications and transport to the Jaffna peninsula are totally disrupted and supplies of food and other essentials have been cut off. More than 50,000 people are displaced in Maruthankerni, Thenmaratchy and Palai areas and 20,000 are said to be accommodated in refugee camps established by the Government Agent and provided dry rations. These camps are in Point Pedro in northeastern Vadamaratchy and Chankanai, Kokkuvil, Manipay and Thirunelveli in western Valikamam.
Publication: Loss of Ashraff will be felt far and wide
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The tragic death of Sri Lanka Muslim Congress leader M H M Ashraff on 16 September has deeply distressed the Tamil speaking people of Sri Lanka. His sudden demise is a tremendous and irreparable loss to the entire community. Mr Ashraff was a charismatic leader in the Sri Lankan political scene. He associated himself in the 1970s with the Federal Party and later the Tamil United Liberation Front and clearly and fully understood the political complexities involved in the promotion of the aspirations of the Tamil speaking people. He realized that the Muslims, despite holding important positions in political parties, needed an organization to emphasize the history and the distinct identity of the Muslim people and to promote their aspirations.
Publication: International Monitoring Essential to Stop Death Squad Killings
Posted Date: 21/04/2013 (Sunday)
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) expresses deep concern over the rapidly deteriorating human rights situation in Sri Lanka. Insecurity and violence are spreading fast. The Killing of Kumar Ponnambalam, president of the All Ceylon Tamil Congress and a leading human rights lawyer on 5 January 2000 has shocked the Tamil community. The brutal and callus murders of Kumar Ponnambalam and chief editor of Tamil weekly, Thinamurasu and Tamil Member of Parliament Ramesh Nadarajah on 2 November l999 have posed further threats to the freedoms of expression, assembly and association.

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