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Publication: Sri Lanka- Background briefing- Issue No.4 (25.05.1986)
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
When events overtake human plans and efforts making them seen inconsequential that is the time when one senses the throb of a historical force. Sunday May 4th 1986 was the day when the Tamil Eelam Supporter's Organisation (TESO) held its SAVE CEYLON TAMILS CONFERENCE at madurai. It certainly promised to be an event of considerable political significance at that point of time. For the first time leaders and representatives of Opposition parties particularly from the North, with differing approaches on domestic politics were gathering in the heart of Tamil Nadu on a united bid to express solidarity with Tamils of Sri Lanka, Not withstanding the absence of the ruling party of the State, and the two Communist parties which were invited but declined to attend, the nationwide representation was broad enough to attract interest.
Publication: Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.3 -(15.01.1986)
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
A star war will take place on January 8, 1986, in the house of Parliamentary affairs. This planetary was is between Mercury, the planet of communication and mass media vs mysterious Neptune. The winner is Neptune the planet of “worry”. It builds up fear from neighbours. Cordial relations between rulers of neighbouring countries turn into dreadful situations. This could also be a period of stress adversely affecting the rule of law. Resolutions of condemnation of rulers may be discussed as internal dissensions grow.
Publication: Sri Lanka- Background briefing- Issue No.1 (25.01.1986)
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
Two people – totally different in many respects, and between whom there no love is lost – have been in the news recently, in Sri Lanka. These two are likely to make more news in the coming months. They are: Savumiamoorthy Thonaman who is the acknowledgted reader of the vast majority of plantation Tamils and Minister of Rural Industrial Development in the present government; and Mrs Srima Bandaranike, twice Prime Minister in the past and now emerging as a distinct threat to President Jayawardene's stay in power.
Publication: Sri Lanka- Background briefing- Issue No.2 (25.02.1986)
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
In the first Cabinet headed by the leader of the United National Party, Don Stephen Senanayake, sworn in under the Soulbury Constitution on September 26, 1947 prior to the effective transfer of power on February 4 1948, there were four future Prime Ministers – Dudley Senanayake (the son of the Prime Minister) Col. J.L. Kotelawala (later to be knighted as Sir John) S.W.R.D Bandaranaike (later to found the Sri Lanka Freedom Party) and J.R Jayewardene.
Publication: Militarisation in Sri Lanka-01-06-1986
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
This paper raises the issues of Militarisation in Sri Lanka and the gross violations of human rights by the Sri Lankan government. These two issues are linked and have led to the dehumanisation of the Tamil people of Sri Lanka. Militarisation has also affected the development of the country to a great extent. We hope that this paper would bring about greater awareness of the developments of the country to a great extent.
Publication: The Mossad Connection and State Terrorism in Sri Lanka
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
This is a combination of newspaper cuttings and copies of documents relating to the establishment of an Israeli interest sections in the embassy of the United States of America in Sri Lanka. The assistance provided by the Israeli intelligence in Sri Lanka and the reactions of the international community. More...
Publication: Tamil Information - Issue No.9
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
To all those who look forward with naïve expectation that once the virtually imposed "Ceasefire" in Sri Lanka is made to stick for some period of time, a politicalm "settlement" would become and inevitable corollary, we recommend the wise words of Rudyard Kipling: " Nothing is ever settled until it is settled right."
Publication: Tamil Information - Issue No.6-Vol. Nos. 8 & 9
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
The dynamic Madras evening daily NEWS TODAY carried in its issue of 17th December 1984 an editorial under the title "Enough is enough", which we are reproducing in full in our inner pages. If we can borrow a simile from Francis Bacon in his allusion to books that "some are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested", this editorial is one that deserves to be "chewed and digested" by all Tamils who are concerned about their future in that island polity of Sri Lanka. Editor T.R. Ramasarny has posed the one question that is most relevant to the critical situation in which the Tamils find themselves today: "Gentlemen, what exactly do you want?". A simple question, an embarrassing question, but a question that Editor Ramasamy has a right to ask, because he is speaking from our side of the fence!
Publication: Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.1 -(01.12.1985)
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
The visit of a high powered 3 member delegation scheduled to leave for Iran on 10th November was cancelled by Iranian authorities immediately prior to the scheduled departure. The team was to consist of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tyronne Fernando, Chairman of the ruling party Harsha Abeywardane and SLFP MP Halim Ishak. The reason for the cancellation was to show Iran’s displeasure over Sri lanka’s contacts with Israel, particularlyPresident Jayawardene’s recent meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres In Paris. According to Iranian newspaper “Islamic Republic”. This was later confirmed by the Iranian Foreign Ministry. The Sri lanka Foreign Ministry contacted by the Colombo newspaper. “The Island”, declined to comment on the matter5. (virakesari 13/11 and Island12/11 and 13/11.
Publication: Tamil International - Vol 1 - Nos. 2 & 3
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
So, Mossad is here! The speed with which President Jeyawardena moved in to fill the awed silence that followed the tragic blast at Madras air port was a classic demonstration of the art of political one-upmanship. Even before Madras could blink its eyes or count its dead, the 78 year fox was busy writing a letter to Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi not merely expressing the customary “shock and grief”, but calling on her to “unite to fight terrorism”! The insinuation was as loud as the bomb.
Publication: Tamil International - Vol 1- No.1
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
If thirty six years of “freedom” from British rule had left them worse off than under colonialism, the past seven years of President Jayawardena’s rule have made them refugees and hostages in their own country; made them manful ‘tigers’ but also hunted humans; made them runaways and wanderers and job and asylum seekers in the five continents of the world.
Publication: Tamil Information - Vol 1-No.7
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
Genocide or Liberation? Id does not require much discernment to know that the gentleman occupying the box seat in Sri Lankan affairs today is nor President Jayawardene, but the Minister of National Security and de facto commander-in-chief of the armed forces – Lalith Athulathmudali. Ordinarily, it would not have mattered two cents to the Tamils who are groaning under the heel of an oppressive government, whether Jayawardene rules or Athulathmudali reigns. But it matters now.
Publication: Tamil Information - Vol 1 - Nos. 4 & 5
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
Sri Lanka’s national army used to have a proud record. For nearly thirty five years of the country’s independence, the army suffered no causalities. The only loss of life came through cirrhosis of the liver! But that was also because the Ceylon army saw no action. Most of the action it saw was in the kitchen and the bedroom.
Publication: Tamil Information - Vol 1-No.6
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
The Jaw-jaw is preferable to war is an axiom that no one will contest on principle; particularly if the wisdom has at last dawn on the Sri Lanka government that the only jaw-jawing worth having should be with the Tamil Eelam militants and not with the political eunuchs who once led the Tamil people under the banner of the TULF and took them for a ride on the Eelam bandwagon.
Publication: Tamil Information - Vol 1 - Nos. 4 & 5
Posted Date: 19/04/2013 (Friday)
Sri Lanka’s national army used to have a proud record. For nearly thirty five years of the country’s independence, the army suffered no causalities. The only loss of life came through cirrhosis of the liver! But that was also because the Ceylon army saw no action. Most of the action it saw was in the kitchen and the bedroom.
Publication: Dear Sri Lanka Ambassador..... Your slip is showing
Posted Date: 19/04/2013 (Friday)
Ambassador Ernesr Corea is the kind of man who has a flair for sounding ‘reasonable’. This is a great asset to a diplomat. It is also a positive a plus point for a propagandist. But there is a pitfall that readers who are not used to critical thinking have to guard against. What is couched in the language of reason need not necessarily be the Truth: More...
Events: ஈழ விடுதலை நோக்கி இரண்டு வெளியீடுகள்
Posted Date: 18/04/2013 (Thursday)
சந்திர சேகர் திருமண மண்டபம், எல்லையம்�
Events: TNA: An Emercency Discussion about the Grave Political situation in Srilanka and the state oppression againist the Tamils
Posted Date: 18/04/2013 (Thursday)
Trinity Hall East Avenue,Eastham E12 6SG
Events: Mobile X Ray Unit for TB detection
Posted Date: 17/04/2013 (Wednesday)
St Peters Church, London Road, Kingston, KT2 6QL
Events: FREE TB CHECK : Free chest X-rays, and FREE treatment if needed
Posted Date: 17/04/2013 (Wednesday)
The Mobile X Ray Unit will be at: St Peters Church, London Road, Kingston, KT2 6QL

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