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Publication: Tamil Information - issue_no_28 & 29
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) launched Operation Thavalai, a massive assault on the Pooneryn army camp and the Nagathevanthurai naval base in Kilinochchi District on 11 November.The two military bases lie only a few miles apart, west of Elephant Pass. Sea Tigers landed near Nagathevanthurai naval base at 2.20 am in two rowing boats across the Kilali lagoon and began attacking the military's forward defence lines. Search lights in the base were smashed by gunfire. Another unit of 150 Sea Tigers landed in motor boats and entered the base. They targeted the communications building and damaged the radar and communication equipment cutting off links with other camps. Many sailors were killed in the unexpected attack and the others retreated east towards the Elephant Pass army camp.
Publication: Tamil Information - issue_no_27
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
The University Grants Commission (UGC) decided in October to admit only 408 students to the Jaffna University for the 1992-93 academic years although 1,180 vacancies exist in all the faculties of the University. The Jaffna University Senate has expressed concern over the decision and has requested the UGC to consider the special difficulties in Jaffna and admit more students. The difficulties of northern students in pursuing education have been highlighted in the Tamil Information Centre publication "Sri Lanka: Economic Blockade". Over 100 schools are not functioning and as a result education of thousands of students has been affected.
Publication: Tamil Information - issue_no_26
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
Over 100 civilians are reported killed in Operation Yal Devi launched by the military in Jaffna on 28 September. Reports say the main objectives of the operation, involving around 9,000 troops, were capturing, Chavakachcheri town in the south of the Jaffna peninsula to prevent people crossing the Jaffna lagoon at Kilali and to launch an offensive on the Jaffna town further west. According to reports, plans for Operation Yal Devi began as soon as General Hamilton. Wanasinghe assumed duties as Secretary to the Ministry of Defence. General Wanasinghe now also heads the Joint Operations Committee 'formed after the disbanding of the Joint Operations Command by President D. B.Wijetunge.
Publication: Tamil Information - issue_no_25
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
The British Asylum and Immigration Act became effective from 26 July 1993 despite wide ranging opposition within and outside Parliament. New Immigration rules on Asylum and Asylum Appeals (Procedure) Rules also came into force in August. The Asylum Act provides for the fingerprinting of all asylum seekers including children. Those who do not cooperate in fingerprinting can be arrested without a warrant and detained until fingerprints are taken. Fingerprinting, according to the British government is necessary to prevent multiple applications. The fingerprints, according to the Act, will be destroyed within a month of granting permanent stay or after ten years. There is real concern that the records may be issued and that there is likelihood of records passing to the government of the country from where the asylum seeker fled.
Publication: Tamil Information - issue_no_24
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
World Bank's South Asia Director Paul Isenman had raised the issue of economic aid to Sri Lanka being spent on the purchase of military equipment, before the Paris Aid Consortium decided on 19 June to grant Rs.40.3 billion (US% 847 million) as aid for 1993. The question raised by Mr. Isenman apparently did not have any effect on the outcome of the meeting of the Consortium as the aid was increased by US$l5 million from the aid pledge for 1992.
Publication: Tamil Information - issue_no_23
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
Amnesty international says in a report released on 21 June that it is concerned over the arbitrary arrests of hundreds of Tamils in and around Colombo. According to the human rights agency based in London, it is common for Tamil people in Colombo to be stopped by police and detained for questioning if they are not carrying identity documents, if they are visitors or newly arrived in the city, or if they are only temporarily resident there. Amnesty has also referred to complaints about police officers requiring payments from relatives to secure release of the prisoners and arrests of people regardless of whether they could demonstrate long-standing residence and employment in Colombo and regardless of whether they were in possession of identity documents.
Publication: Tamil Information - Issue No.13
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
A landmine killed six senior Sri Lankan military commanders, including northern Army Commander General Denzil Kobbekadua at Araliturai on Kayts Island west of Jaffna peninsula on 8th August. Jaffna Army commander Brigadier Wijaya Wimalaratne and northern naval Commander Commodore Mohan Jayamaha were among the dead.
Publication: Tamil Information - Issue No.12
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
Member of Parliament Joseph Pararajasingham told a visiting three- member Swiss government delegation in late July that conditions in Sri Lanka were not conductive for the return of asylum seekers from other countries. According to the visit, the Swiss government intends to begin returning Tamil refugees in the next two months. There are over 25 000 Tamil refugees in Switzerland and they are to be repatriated in stages.
Publication: Tamil Information - Issue No.11
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
The Sri Lankan military assault on the Jaffna peninsula launched in May continued throughout June. Iyakkachchi and Paranthan areas north and south Elephant Pass came under intensive aerial bombardment and shelling from camps devastated other areas. The government appears to have decided to pursue a military solution.
Publication: Tamil Information - Issue No.10
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
The Sri Lankan government would use maximum force for the total annihilation of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and after completing wiping out the militant group in this manner, would try to seek a political solution, according to the announcement made by Acting State Minister for Defence John Amaratunge during a visit to the Palaly camp.
Publication: UNHCR and Tamil refugees
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
UNHCR is involved in the repatriation of Tamil refugees from Tamil Nadu which began on 22 January 1992. UNHCR expressed concern in early May 1992 to the Indian Prime Minister over the unstable security situation in Sri Lanka. But on 28 July exchanged letters with the Indian government agreeing to become involved in the programme, although the Sri Lankan situation remains volatile.
Publication: Tamils face military offensive
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
The northern Jaffna peninsula is surrounded by the Sri Lankan forces. Over 15,000 troops have been landed on the islands west of the peninsula and a massive attack appears imminent. A senior army officer has said that the attack will come as a “shock treatment” and would be carefully planned to deflect international protests. According to reports army officers have informed President Premadasa that an invasion of the Jaffna peninsula may result in the death of over 50,000 people.
Publication: Sri Lanka Ethnic Conflict- Negotiations and International Concerns
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
The post-independence period in Sri Lankan history has witnessed many attempts at a negotiated settlement of the ethnic conflict. Lack of foresight and pursuit of narrow goals for political gain have jeopardized these attempts.
Publication: Sri Lanka - 10 Years of Jayawardene Rule
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
On July 22, 1987, the President of Sri Lanka, Junius Richard Jayewardene completes 10 years of power; the longest single spell by a politician in that country. While from the very beginning of independence until now all Sinhalese politicians with one exception – Dudley Senanayake - had demonstrated a desire for power, it remains paradoxical that it was the latter, the reluctant "Hamlet of Ceylon politics" who was called upon to serve three terms in office; he was in fact the first Prime Minister to complete the full 5-year tenure permitted under the constitution.
Publication: Religious and Cultural Development in the Eastern Region
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
"Live not in a village that abounds not in temples" is a Tamil adage. ("Kovil illa ooril kudi iruka vendam)" Accordingly the Tamils of the East of Sri Lanka from time immemorial built temples and shrines in all villages and towns. Those who migrated from other areas also made it a point to shift to a residence close to a shrine. Every time the problems of Tamils are discussed in international for, the main issue that arises is about the identity of the original inhabitant of Sri Lanka. The West is satisfied by the clarification given by the Sinhala Sri Lankan Governmental.
Publication: Education in the Eastern Region
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
The Eastern Region- is educationally the backwoods of Sri Lanka. This was the official view. It was the most backward area. Why so? A very pertinent question. The early invaders: the Portuguese and Dutch came to trade, to conquer, to exploit not to educate the people. The Eastern Region is a secluded, inaccessible region, cut off from the busy, progressive West and far removed from the industrious North; the Indian sub continent being further away and remote. There were very few cultural ties. Physically structurally economically, culturally and educationally the Eastern Region is en Ultima Thule: a far off region.
Publication: Human Rights Education and International Procedures-12-05-1991
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
The United Nations Charter states in the preamble that members reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights and in the equal rights of men and women. Article I of the Charter includes cooperation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.
Publication: Employment & Training for Tamils living in the Borough of Newham - A Survey Report
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
This report illustrates the considerable potential of the Tamil minority to participate in the development of the local and national economy. However, its findings are a staggering indictment of the failure of local training and education provision to be accessible and pertinent to their needs. While confined to the experience of Tamils living in Newham, this report is fully supportive of RTEC's Employment & Training For Refugees report (June 1991) to the City & Inner London North Training and Enterprise Council.
Publication: Economic and Administrative Changes in the Eastern Region
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
A sound economy is the primary need for the existence and development of a stable society. The growth of the society depends mainly on its economic development. A systematic destruction of the economy will lead to the eventual destruction of the society. This is the agonising plight of the indigenous Tamil speaking population of the East..!The economy in the Eastern sector of Sri Lanka was primarily based on Agriculture and secondarily on Fisheries.
Publication: Displacement of Tamils in the Eastern Region
Posted Date: 20/04/2013 (Saturday)
Incessant violence against the Tamil community in NorthEast Sri Lanka from the 1970s has made destitute thousands of Tamils and forced them to flee from their homes and villages. Government policy since the beginning of this period has been to destabilise the Tamil population using the military and the home guards aided by aerial surveillance and bombardment to undermine the right of the Tamils to a homeland. Number of milrtary camps was established in the vicinity of villages and populated areas. Indiscriminate attacks by ground, air and sea has resulted in the displacement of a large number of Tamil civilians.

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