In a press release issued the Democratic People’s Front Leader Mano Ganeshan said TNA leader Sampanthan had shown his political will for an undivided Sri Lanka by holding the national flag in Jaffna which he cited as the cultural capital of Tamils.
Mr. Ganeshan said Mr. Sampanthan had spoken about his Sri Lankan identity and dream.
Forest officials of the Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve abutting the Palk Straits between India and Sri Lanka have reported depleting numbers of marine wildlife, as smugglers exploiting lax conservation laws in the region tank up on protected species used in traditional Chinese medicines and fine dining.
The Climate Change International is launching its 2012(CCIC12) conference from 8th - 12th June 2012 at the London Eco Hotel, 26 Brook St, London, W1K 5DQ, United Kingdom.
Global warming is now universally recognized as a significant global environmental challenge and as a consequence, debate over the measures needed to tackle climate change has moved up to the top of the agenda amongst civil society, business and government. The United Nations Climate Change Conference COP17 2011 in Durban, South Africa highlighted the major challenges and opportunities associated with climate change as we move towards post 2012 carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction targets.