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Loss of Ashraff will be felt far and wide


The tragic death of Sri Lanka Muslim Congress leader M H M Ashraff on 16 September has deeply distressed the Tamil speaking people of Sri Lanka. His sudden demise is a tremendous and irreparable loss to the entire community. Mr Ashraff was a charismatic leader in the Sri Lankan political scene. He associated himself in the 1970s with the Federal Party and later the Tamil United Liberation Front and clearly and fully understood the political complexities involved in the promotion of the aspirations of the Tamil speaking people. He realized that the Muslims, despite holding important positions in political parties, needed an organization to emphasize the history and the distinct identity of the Muslim people and to promote their aspirations.

The tragic death of Sri Lanka Muslim Congress leader M H M Ashraff on 16 September has deeply distressed the Tamil speaking people of Sri Lanka. His sudden demise is a tremendous and irreparable loss to the entire community. Mr Ashraff was a charismatic leader in the Sri Lankan political scene. He associated himself in the 1970s with the Federal Party and later the Tamil United Liberation Front and clearly and fully understood the political complexities involved in the promotion of the aspirations of the Tamil speaking people. He realized that the Muslims, despite holding important positions in political parties, needed an organization to emphasize the history and the distinct identity of the Muslim people and to promote their aspirations.

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