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Events: Tamil Genocide Rememberance Day
Posted Date: 18/05/2013 (Saturday)
Bowman Hall, Blacktown, Sydney, Australia
Events: நீதிக்காக குரல் கொடுகும் மே 18 - ஈகைப் பேரணி
Posted Date: 18/05/2013 (Saturday)
Events: Family Funday 2013
Posted Date: 18/05/2013 (Saturday)
Hobill Walk, Alpha Road Estate, Surbiton KT5 8SZ
Events: Tamil Genocide Day
Posted Date: 17/05/2013 (Friday)
Christiansborg, 1218 Kobenhavnk, Denmark
Photos: Brad’s remarks on 4th Anniversary of Canada’s Tamil-Canadian community
Posted Date: 16/05/2013 (Thursday)
Events: தமிழீழ விடுதலைக்கான மாணவர் சுடர் பயணம்
Posted Date: 12/05/2013 (Sunday)
Photos: A People without a story
Posted Date: 11/05/2013 (Saturday)
Events: Screening of the film "No fire Zone - The killing fields of Sri Lanka"
Posted Date: 07/05/2013 (Tuesday)
London School of Economics - TW1.G.01, Tower 1, Clement's Inn
Photos: Queen to miss Commonwealth meeting in Sri Lanka
Posted Date: 07/05/2013 (Tuesday)
Events: தியாகி பொன் சிவகுமாரன் ஞாபகார்த்த உதைபந்தாட்டப் போட் டி
Posted Date: 05/05/2013 (Sunday)
Via Francisco Zanardi 228, Novillo, Bolagna, Italy
Publication: Essaying cricket Sri Lanka and beyond
Posted Date: 04/05/2013 (Saturday)
Essaying Cricket Sri Lanka and Beyond is a collection of articles on a varied body of classical tales in the history of Cricket compiled by Michael Roberts. The collections are mostly covers the period 2000-2004. The largest body of writings, involving several writers, within this book addresses the interrelated figure of Muralitharan, chucking episodes and the attempts to interpret the Chucking law. A number of articles written by the author however, dwell on the issue of verbal intimidation on the cricket field and the sports nationalism.
Publication: Attacks on Buddhist Monks and Sri Lankan visitors to Tamil Nadu must cease
Posted Date: 04/05/2013 (Saturday)
We have observed the recent attacks on Buddhist monks and other Sri Lankan visitors in Tamil Nadu with grave concern and extreme unease. These attacks are callous and disgraceful and will not help the Sri Lankan Tamils, but may cause them more harm. We offer our heartfelt sympathies to the victims. Certainly, there is no justification for these acts from either a political perspective or, in truth, from the perspective of any other moral and freedom-loving people. These acts diminish the pride, dignity and freedom of Eelam Tamils.
Publication: Universal Periodic Review, 14th Session UN Human Rights Council, Geneva, Switzerland
Posted Date: 04/05/2013 (Saturday)
The period since the last Universal Periodic Review in 2007 has witnessed grave violations of the human rights of civilians in Sri Lanka, particularly in the north-east zone, by state authorities and security forces, culminating in the killing of thousands of Tamils. Although large-scale attacks on civilians have stopped since the end of the war in May 2009, violations have continued and human rights defenders (HRDs) have been particularly targeted by the state in all parts of Sri Lanka.
Publication: TIC Submission to UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and association
Posted Date: 04/05/2013 (Saturday)
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC), established in 1981, is a non-profit community organization based in London, UK. The TIC works to address the challenges that face the Tamil speaking community in Sri Lanka to ensure that their rights are protected and promoted and their freedoms are recognized and respected. TIC’s mission is to empower people, particularly those suffering persecution and subjected to human rights abuses, by valuing the distinct identities and differences among them and improving the quality of life through access to knowledge.
Publication: UN failed to stand up for the rights of people they were mandated to assist
Posted Date: 04/05/2013 (Saturday)
The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, speaking at the UN General Assembly on 30 November 2012, expressed concern over the “new and appalling height of brutality” in Syria, and the human rights violations “being carried out on a wide scale”. He said “I am horrified and saddened and condemn the seemingly daily massacres of civilians”. The very same Secretary-General has presided over an institution that knowingly allowed massacres of civilians, including possibly genocide of Tamils, to take place in Sri Lanka in 2008 and 2009 and thereafter took deliberate measures to cover-up the involvement.
Publication: Sri Lanka: Brutal attack on Tamil Political Prisoners in Vavuniya Remand Prison
Posted Date: 04/05/2013 (Saturday)
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) strongly condemns the brutal attack on Tamil political prisoners in the Vavuniya remand prison today, 29 June 2012, at around 12 noon, by a Sri Lankan Special Military Commando unit and the Special Task Force (STF). The attack has left around 40 prisoners and others injured, some of them critically The Vavuniya remand prison had 253 inmates which included political prisoners as well as other prisoners.
Publication: Security Council Report
Posted Date: 04/05/2013 (Saturday)
This is Security Council Report’s fifth Cross-Cutting Report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict following the publication of our first such report in October 2008. With this report we continue to systematically track the Security Council’s involvement in the protection of civilians since it first emerged as a separate thematic topic in 1999. The report looks at relevant developments at the thematic level since our last cross-cutting report and analyses Council action in country-specific situations relating to the protection of civilians, highlighting the case of Syria. It also discusses the impact of evolving Council dynamics and outlines some emerging issues for the Council’s future consideration.
Publication: Information to Relatives on Detainees: A Welcome Step by Sri Lankan Government
Posted Date: 04/05/2013 (Saturday)
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) welcomes the Sri Lankan government announcement that information on people detained by the security forces since the end of the war in May 2009 will be made available. The TIC views this as a positive measure towards reconciliation and the first step to accountability in Sri Lanka. According to the Ministry of Defence, information will be provided only to close relatives of the detainees. The Defence Ministry communiqué declared that "A round the clock mechanism has been established by the Terrorist Investigation Division to provide details of the detainees and those who are already released".
Publication: Dambulla mosque attack threat to peaceful co-existence of Sri Lanka’s ethnic communities
Posted Date: 04/05/2013 (Saturday)
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) is deeply concerned and saddened by reports of the attack on the mosque in Dambulla and the threat of the Buddhist leaders to demolish the mosque. The TIC learns that the Buddhist leaders have listed 72 cultural and religious structures, including the mosque and a Hindu temple, marked for demolition in the region.
Publication: Appeal to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
Posted Date: 04/05/2013 (Saturday)
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC), established in 1981, is a non-profit community organisation based in London, UK. The TIC works to address the challenges that face the Tamil speaking community in Sri Lanka to ensure that their rights are protected and promoted and their freedoms are recognised and respected. TIC’s mission is to empower people, particularly those suffering persecution and subjected to human rights abuses, by valuing the distinct identities and differences among them and improving the quality of life through access to knowledge.

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