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Tamil people's endless tragedy under news blockade


As the war in Sri Lanka shows no sign of abating, the fighting in Jaffna has resulted in more suffering for the civilians of the north who have endured years of displacement and threatens to bring about a humanitarian crisis. Communications and transport to the Jaffna peninsula are totally disrupted and supplies of food and other essentials have been cut off. More than 50,000 people are displaced in Maruthankerni, Thenmaratchy and Palai areas and 20,000 are said to be accommodated in refugee camps established by the Government Agent and provided dry rations. These camps are in Point Pedro in northeastern Vadamaratchy and Chankanai, Kokkuvil, Manipay and Thirunelveli in western Valikamam.

As the war in Sri Lanka shows no sign of abating, the fighting in Jaffna has resulted in more suffering for the civilians of the north who have endured years of displacement and threatens to bring about a humanitarian crisis. Communications and transport to the Jaffna peninsula are totally disrupted and supplies of food and other essentials have been cut off. More than 50,000 people are displaced in Maruthankerni, Thenmaratchy and Palai areas and 20,000 are said to be accommodated in refugee camps established by the Government Agent and provided dry rations. These camps are in Point Pedro in northeastern Vadamaratchy and Chankanai, Kokkuvil, Manipay and Thirunelveli in western Valikamam.

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