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The need for international intervention to prevent persecution of Tamils in Sri Lanka


Tamils in Colombo and other southern areas are living in fear as a result of government restrictions, search operations and arrests by security forces. The fear among the Tamil community has heightened since the introduction of new Emergency regulations on 3 May 2000, widening the powers of the President, state officers and the security forces. Substantial numbers of Tamils have fled the country as refugees and the number continues to rise. More than 208,800 Sri Lankans, made applications for asylum worldwide between 1989 and 1998, most of whom are Tamils, and 56,400 (27%) were granted UN Convention refugee status and 18,000 (8.8%) were allowed to remain on humanitarian grounds

Tamils in Colombo and other southern areas are living in fear as a result of government restrictions, search operations and arrests by security forces. The fear among the Tamil community has heightened since the introduction of new Emergency regulations on 3 May 2000, widening the powers of the President, state officers and the security forces. Substantial numbers of Tamils have fled the country as refugees and the number continues to rise. More than 208,800 Sri Lankans, made applications for asylum worldwide between 1989 and 1998, most of whom are Tamils, and 56,400 (27%) were granted UN Convention refugee status and 18,000 (8.8%) were allowed to remain on humanitarian grounds

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