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TSunami Situation Report - No.5


The Millennium Development Goals Country Report 2005 by the Sri Lankan National Council for Economic Development (NCED) says that those who bore the brunt of the tsunami attack were the most vulnerable in society such as coastal communities and those in the North and East region. The percentage of the coastal population affected, ranges from an estimated 35% in Kilinochchi to 80% in Mullaitivu and 78% in Amparai. Less than 20% of the coastal population in the southern districts of Galle, Matara and Hambantota were affected. The tsunami affected the livelihoods of poor sectors such as coastal fishermen, workers in the informal sector, people servicing fisheries and tourist industries and small scale farmers, causing greater vulnerability to poverty.

The Millennium Development Goals Country Report 2005 by the Sri Lankan National Council for Economic Development (NCED) says that those who bore the brunt of the tsunami attack were the most vulnerable in society such as coastal communities and those in the North and East region. The percentage of the coastal population affected, ranges from an estimated 35% in Kilinochchi to 80% in Mullaitivu and 78% in Amparai. Less than 20% of the coastal population in the southern districts of Galle, Matara and Hambantota were affected. The tsunami affected the livelihoods of poor sectors such as coastal fishermen, workers in the informal sector, people servicing fisheries and tourist industries and small scale farmers, causing greater vulnerability to poverty.

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