Tamil Information Centre
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Endless Brutality -Killing of Joseph Pararajasingam, MP for Batticaloa, Sri Lanka


The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) strongly condemns the escalating political killings in Sri Lanka, which may plunge the country into the abyss of war and chaos. It's deplorable that people of all walks of defenders, social and community workers, NGO staff, lowers, students, women, educators, priests and members of political parties, progressive organizations and trade unions. With then die their dreams, idealism, commitment, courage, youth, love and hope. A part of us perishes with them and the hopes and dreams of communities and the nation they represent are shattered.

The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) strongly condemns the escalating political killings in Sri Lanka, which may plunge the country into the abyss of war and chaos. It's deplorable that people of all walks of defenders, social and community workers, NGO staff, lowers, students, women, educators, priests and members of political parties, progressive organizations and trade unions. With then die their dreams, idealism, commitment, courage, youth, love and hope. A part of us perishes with them and the hopes and dreams of communities and the nation they represent are shattered.

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