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TSunami Situation Report - No.3


The official death toll as reported by the Sri Lankan government stands at 30,957 as of 25 January 2005, with 20,554 in the north-east. More than 10,430 people died in Amparai District. Around 5,644 are reported missing and presumed dead, according to the Sri Lankan government. But the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) has reported that more than 14,400 are missing in the north-east. The final death toll is expected to be around 45,000 island-wide, and 30,000 in the north-east alone. There are over 15,190 injured nationwide, with more than 7,400 in the north-east. The government says that over 502,450 people are displaced from their homes by the Tsunami. Of these, 282,790 are displaced in the north-east (See Appendix 2).

The official death toll as reported by the Sri Lankan government stands at 30,957 as of 25 January 2005, with 20,554 in the north-east. More than 10,430 people died in Amparai District. Around 5,644 are reported missing and presumed dead, according to the Sri Lankan government. But the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) has reported that more than 14,400 are missing in the north-east. The final death toll is expected to be around 45,000 island-wide, and 30,000 in the north-east alone. There are over 15,190 injured nationwide, with more than 7,400 in the north-east. The government says that over 502,450 people are displaced from their homes by the Tsunami. Of these, 282,790 are displaced in the north-east (See Appendix 2).

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