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Tamil Information - issue_no_26


Over 100 civilians are reported killed in Operation Yal Devi launched by the military in Jaffna on 28 September. Reports say the main objectives of the operation, involving around 9,000 troops, were capturing, Chavakachcheri town in the south of the Jaffna peninsula to prevent people crossing the Jaffna lagoon at Kilali and to launch an offensive on the Jaffna town further west. According to reports, plans for Operation Yal Devi began as soon as General Hamilton. Wanasinghe assumed duties as Secretary to the Ministry of Defence. General Wanasinghe now also heads the Joint Operations Committee 'formed after the disbanding of the Joint Operations Command by President D. B.Wijetunge.


Over 100 civilians are reported killed in Operation Yal Devi launched by the military in Jaffna on 28 September. Reports say the main objectives of the operation, involving around 9,000 troops, were capturing, Chavakachcheri town in the south of the Jaffna peninsula to prevent people crossing the Jaffna lagoon at Kilali and to launch an offensive on the Jaffna town further west. According to reports, plans for Operation Yal Devi began as soon as General Hamilton. Wanasinghe assumed duties as Secretary to the Ministry of Defence. General Wanasinghe now also heads the Joint Operations Committee 'formed after the disbanding of the Joint Operations Command by President D. B.Wijetunge.

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