Tamil Information Centre
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Tamil Information - issue_no_28 & 29


The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) launched Operation Thavalai, a massive assault on the Pooneryn army camp and the Nagathevanthurai naval base in Kilinochchi District on 11 November.The two military bases lie only a few miles apart, west of Elephant Pass. Sea Tigers landed near Nagathevanthurai naval base at 2.20 am in two rowing boats across the Kilali lagoon and began attacking the military's forward defence lines. Search lights in the base were smashed by gunfire. Another unit of 150 Sea Tigers landed in motor boats and entered the base. They targeted the communications building and damaged the radar and communication equipment cutting off links with other camps. Many sailors were killed in the unexpected attack and the others retreated east towards the Elephant Pass army camp.

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) launched Operation Thavalai, a massive assault on the Pooneryn army camp and the Nagathevanthurai naval base in Kilinochchi District on 11 November.The two military bases lie only a few miles apart, west of Elephant Pass. Sea Tigers landed near Nagathevanthurai naval base at 2.20 am in two rowing boats across the Kilali lagoon and began attacking the military's forward defence lines. Search lights in the base were smashed by gunfire. Another unit of 150 Sea Tigers landed in motor boats and entered the base. They targeted the communications building and damaged the radar and communication equipment cutting off links with other camps. Many sailors were killed in the unexpected attack and the others retreated east towards the Elephant Pass army camp.

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