Tamil Information Centre
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Tamil Information - issue_no_27


The University Grants Commission (UGC) decided in October to admit only 408 students to the Jaffna University for the 1992-93 academic years although 1,180 vacancies exist in all the faculties of the University. The Jaffna University Senate has expressed concern over the decision and has requested the UGC to consider the special difficulties in Jaffna and admit more students. The difficulties of northern students in pursuing education have been highlighted in the Tamil Information Centre publication "Sri Lanka: Economic Blockade". Over 100 schools are not functioning and as a result education of thousands of students has been affected.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) decided in October to admit only 408 students to the Jaffna University for the 1992-93 academic years although 1,180 vacancies exist in all the faculties of the University. The Jaffna University Senate has expressed concern over the decision and has requested the UGC to consider the special difficulties in Jaffna and admit more students. The difficulties of northern students in pursuing education have been highlighted in the Tamil Information Centre publication "Sri Lanka: Economic Blockade". Over 100 schools are not functioning and as a result education of thousands of students has been affected.

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