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UN failed to stand up for the rights of people they were mandated to assist

The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, speaking at the UN General Assembly on 30 November 2012, expressed concern over the “new and appalling height of brutality” in Syria, and the human rights violations “being carried out on a wide scale”. He said “I am horrified and saddened and condemn the seemingly daily massacres of civilians”. The very same Secretary-General has presided over an institution that knowingly allowed massacres of civilians, including possibly genocide of Tamils, to take place in Sri Lanka in 2008 and 2009 and thereafter took deliberate measures to cover-up the involvement.

The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, speaking at the UN General Assembly on 30 November 2012, expressed concern over the “new and appalling height of brutality” in Syria, and the human rights violations “being carried out on a wide scale”. He said “I am horrified and saddened and condemn the seemingly daily massacres of civilians”. The very same Secretary-General has presided over an institution that knowingly allowed massacres of civilians, including possibly genocide of Tamils, to take place in Sri Lanka in 2008 and 2009 and thereafter took deliberate measures to cover-up the involvement.

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