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Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.16 -(01.08.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
Construction here of a powerful new Voice of America Transmitter a key part of a planned 1.5 billion dollar expansion of the US Overseas Network has been delayed because the Government of Sri Lanka wants to change the site although ground has already been broken for the project. US officials here expressed confidence that the station designed to beam shortwave radio programmes to India, the Soviet Union, East Africa and China will be completed at the new site. But according to other sources the 100 million project is in trouble, mainiy because of regional political consfderatidns.
Price: £ 2.50
Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.15 -(15.07.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
Mr J Dixit, India's High Commissioner in Colombo, questioned on the morality of allowing terrorists to operate from India at a luncheon meeting of the Rotary Club of Colombo said politics is not judged by morality. Apart from the unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Sri Lanka, which are non-negotiable and sacrosanct when it comes to solving the ethnic problem, the identity of every community is also non-negotiable.
Price: £ 2.50
Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.14 -(01.06.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
"The pens of journalists cannot build dams or cities. Nor can these pens build new roads." said Mahaveli Development Minister Gamin1Dissanayake at the openlng of a new medical centre at Siripura. Dehiattakandiya in System C of the Mahaveli Scheme on Sunday. Mr. Dissanayake who was critical of the "Divaina" carrying an article about threatening letters received by the settlers in System C. said that newspapers were out to highlight the shortcomings of the authorities but failed to recognise the difficult conditions under which the officers functioned.
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Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.13 -(15.06.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
Walking, instead of travelling in vehicles was the only answer to landmines which are responsible for 99 percent of deaths among the security forces in the North and East. This was said by Minister of National Security Lalith Athulathmudali after he declared open a factory for the production of white coconut fibre under the Export Production Villages Scheme at Seenimodera. Beliatte on Monday. The Minister said that security forces had studied various methods they could adopt to overcome the landmine hazard and had found that walking in readiness for combat was the best way landmines could be avoided. It should be done as a battle exercise in combat formation.
Price: £ 2.50
Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.12 -(01.06.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
"Police took in for questioning a Tamil doctor in connection with the alleged video taping of the Colombo Dockyard and the Kochchikade Rangalla Naval facility by a group of foreigners.A Tamil woman resident in Colombo was also taken in for questioning in this connection. Meanwhile the foreigners involved in the incident were released on a request made by the Ambassadors of their respective countries in Sri Lanka. These foreigners however will not be permitted to leave the country. Police will keep a strict check on those foreigners. Police yesterday questioned the doctor to establish whether he had any connection with Northern Tamil terrorists (The Island - 13.5.86)
Price: £ 2.50
Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.11 -(15.05.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
An Air Lanka tristar plane was ripped apart by a terrorist bomp yesterday, killing at least 20 people and injuring more than 41. The incident occurred at the Colombo Airport, katunayake yesterday morning minutes before the aircraft was to take off for a Maldivian Capital of Male with 128 passengers...Forty-one passengers were reported injured but according to official statistics only 24 were receiving medical treatment in five hospitals. One Japanese passenger succumbed to his injuries soon after admission to the Colombo General Hospital.
Price: £ 2.50
Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.10 -(01.05.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
President J. R Jayewardene has in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) which is reported in the 'Hindu@ said India was maintaining double standards with respect to Sri Lanka and that Sri Lanka cannot be friendly with a person with double standards. Mr Jayewardene os also reported to have said that Pakistan was a better friend of Sri lanka than India.
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Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.9 -(15.04.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
A secret six page document examined by Ministers at their weekly Cabinet session last week calls for the extension of the principles of proportional representation to the Executive to enable all major parties to share Cabinet portfolios in proportion to the votes they polled thus creating a national government. Ministers to whom copies were circulated have all agreed to study it further and make their views.
Price: £ 2.50
Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.8 -(01.04.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
A pilot and an officer cadet of the Air Force were killed when the Siai Marchetti they were flying crashed into the sea off Beruwala yesterday morning. They were on a training exercise in one of the six Siai Marchetti planes of the Air Force when the crash occurred. The bodies of pilot H.T.T.K Seneviratne and officer cadet R.P Punchihetti have been recovered. Air Force officials said Eye witnesses said that plane was flying at a low altitude at the time of the crash. The plane was destroyed completely. Operations are underway to recover the debris with the help of the people in the area. An inquiry is to be held shortly.
Price: £ 2.50
Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.7 -(15.03.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
Tuesday's bout of Bhagat bashing was succeeded yesterday by the SLFP's fervent championing of the Kandyan peasantry. If on Tuesday Agalawatte's Merril Kariyawasam made use of the adjournment to beat the war drums against India, yesterday during adjournment Attanagala's Lakshman Jayakody was equally vocal in declaring war on Minister Thondaman ......... Mr.Jayakody, who opened the debate with a discursive speech, said that the upcountry Tamils would ask for a homeland of their own on the Eelam pattern in 18 months time though he did not explain the basis for the time frame. Mark my words, he warned the House.
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