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Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.26 -(01.01.1987)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
As government officials yesterday moved to provide dry rations to nearly 4000 families affected by last week's encounter between Special Task Force commandos and Tiger terrorists, a controversy broke out over the fate of a multi-million dollar prawn culture project. The government run media centre said on Saturday the "sea food" factory had been closed by " terrorist, action" and that Newton, "second in command of LTTE in Batticaloa" was occupying it forcibly.
Price: £ 2.50
Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.25 -(15.12.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
Here is a page I lead news story that appeared in "The Island" Colombo of 25th January 1987. President J.R. Jayewardene responding to Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's claim that Sri Lanka was vacillating in finding a solution to the ethnic issue has quoted the words of the Buddha in an interview with "The Island" New Delhi correspondent S. Venkatanarayan.
Price: £ 2.50
Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.24 -(01.12.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
That was why they have wanted the parents of the captured soldiers, journalists and photographers to be present at their release. Kittu said they had earlier released two policemen unconditionally, also two run-away soldiers who had surrendered to them. They had also sent the bodies of nine soldiers killed in Mannar to the Jaffna Port camp, as a gesture, since they too had suffered casualties and they knew that parents would always want to have the last rites done for their sons killed in action.
Price: £ 2.50
Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.23 -(15.11.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
On October 20th afternoon I left for Jaffna to help secure the release of two army men who were taken prisoner by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in the course of the fighting in Mannar the previous week. I had earlier received a telephone call from "Rahim" ( his real name I learned later was Kanagaratnam) promising to release the two soldiers to me in Jaffna.
Price: £ 2.50
Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.22 -(01.11.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
The Sri Lankan navy was alerted last night to the unannounced arrival of a foreign vessel which had anchored off Colombo and maintained strict radio silence for more than 12 hours. Only the funnel of the ship was visible to the port but vessels that passed it on the way reported that it carried the name "Conghul" and was flying a Chinese flag.
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Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.21 -(15.10.1985)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
Police yesterday took into custody a monk and another person in connection with the Galgamuwa bank heist and established the value of cash and jewellery robbed at five million rupees. The robbers stayed at the Panakaduwa temple in Wariyapola a day before the heist, police investigations have established.
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Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.20 -(01.10.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
A solution to the ethnic problem is close at hand. The Muslims will not to be adversely affected by this. but stand to gain from a devolution of power, said Foreign Minister Mr A.C.S Hameed, yesterday at a gathering of Muslim leaders and organisations at the Islamic Centre in Maligawatte. The meeting was presided over by Transport and Muslim Religious Affairs Minister, Mr M H. Mohamed, who also spoke.
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Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.19 -(15.09.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
The Jaffna Mothers' Front has expressed shock at the unseemly conduct of an Army Officer who had entered the labour room of a hospital in one of the islands off Jaffna, and by arrangement with the doctor in charge, had witnessed the delivery of a child. The Mothers' Front has also condemned the action of the doctor. It was stated that the Officer-in-charge of the Army Camp in the island had jocularly told the medical officer that he would like to see 'how a Tiger cub' is born!
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Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.18 -(01.09.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
More than 125,000 refugees, mostly from the north and east are to be resettled before the setting up of the Provincial Councils, the Ministry of Rehabilitation announced yesterday. The Ministry is also making arrangements for talks with Indian authorities to settle the 100,000 Sri Lankan refugees from Tamilnadu, Secretary Austin Fernando said.
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Sri Lanka- Situation report - Issue No.17 -(15.08.1986)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
A solution to the ethnic problem is close at hand. The Muslims will not to be adversely affected by this, but stand to gain from a devolution of power, said Foreign Minister Mr A.C.S Hameed yesterday at a gathering of Muslim leaders and organisations at the Islamic centre in Maligawatte. The meeting was presided over by Transport and Muslim Religious Affairs Minister, Mr M.H Mohamed, who also spoke.
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