Tamil Information Centre
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TIC condemns Targeting Civilians and impunity
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) is extremely concerned that the escalating violence may affect the ceasefire and irretrievably damage the peace process in Sri Lanka. The TIC is shocked that the Sri Lankan government took the decision, following the suicide attack at the Army headquarters in Colombo, to launch air strikes on 26 April 2006 on civilian targets in Trincomalee District.
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TIC condemns abduction of TRO Workers
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) is extremely concerned over the abduction yesterday (30 January 2006) of five staff members of the Tamils Rehabilitation Organization (TRO), who were travelling to Vavuniya from Batticaloa in Sri Lanka. The abduction took place near Welikande, an area under the control of the government security forces. The offence against civilians involved in relief and rehabilitation is a serious development and the TIC believes that this is a crime against humanity.
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The UN Human Rights Council must ensure Sri Lankan State's human rights responsibility and accountability
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
The 27 January 2003 report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Continuing Dialogue on the Measures to Promote and Consolidate Democracy, says that the way to build a real participatory democracy is that the system of governance must be characterized by the rule of law in conformity with human rights standards, including the right to development. A strong and independent judiciary is absolutely essential for the protection of basic human rights and, indeed, for the preservation of democracy. States bear ultimate responsibility as guarantors of democracy, human rights and rule of law.
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The UK government must review their position on Sri Lanka
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) has urged the British Home Minister to review UK's position on Sri Lanka and stop all involuntary return of the Tamil asylum seekers in view of the human security concerns and the worsening human rights situation in the island.
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The demise of a leader of the Tamil national struggle
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
It is with profound sadness that we record the death of Anton Stanislaus Balasingham, the political advisor and chief negotiator of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), who passed away in London this afternoon. He suffered from diabetes for many years and was recently diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease and terminal cancer.
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Tamils of Sri Lanka: The quest for human dignity
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
After a four-year ceasefire between the Sri Lankan government and theLiberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), the failure of the governmentto effectively address the substantive political issues such asdevolution that would smooth the way for a peaceful settlement to theconflict, its preoccupation with retaining power and undermining anymeasure that will recognize the rights of the Tamil people, are leadingthe island dangerously close to resumption of war.
Price: £ 5.00
Sri Lanka-Urgent inquiry needed into civilian killings
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
The attack on a bus in Anuradhapura District on 15 June 2006, killing and wounding innocent civilians is a reprehensible crime. In this attack near the town of Kebitigollewa, 64 people are reported killed and over 50 injured. Similar claymore mine attacks have killed civilians in the past in the Kebetigollawe area.
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Sri Lanka-Urgent action needed for protection from abduction and enforced disappearances
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) is distressed by the accounts of ‘disappearances’ it continues to receive. The public security situation in Sri Lanka has deteriorated considerably in recent times with increasing death threats, sinister abductions and disappearances in many parts of the island. Such intimidation by state agencies in the Jaffna peninsula and other areas has led to a heightened sense of fear, frustration and anger.
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Sri Lanka civil society organisations call for investigative mechanism and punishment of perpetrators
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
Several Sri Lankan community and human rights organisations met at the Centre for Human Rights and Development (CHRD) in Colombo on 12 June 2006 and held discussions on the massacre of civilians at Allaipiddi on Kayts Island on 13 May 2006 and the other killings that are continuing unabated.
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Sri Lanka Army Target Jaffna Judge
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
Sri Lankan soldiers attempted to shoot Jaffna Additional Magistrate Srinithi Nanthasekaran in Jaffna on 9 March 2006.
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