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Third Anniversary of the Global Tamil Forum
Published Date: 11/03/2013 (Monday)

Global Tamil Forum (GTF) a global organisation involved in international advocacy for justice, peace and security of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka held its 3rd anniversary on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 at the UK Parliament. Various international and local institutions were represented at the event. Also many political and non-political dignitaries attended the conference, including the UK Conservative Party Chairman on behalf of the Prime Minister, The senior Foreign Minister of the FCO, Deputy Prime Minister/Leader of the LibDem Party and Labour Party Leader/Opposition Leader.

The order of the day was as follows:


Prayer, Minute Silence, Welcome Address

Rev. Dr. S.J Emmanuel, GTF President

Welcome Address

Ms Siobhain McDonagh MP, Chair of Event and Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils (APPG-T)


Mr Robert Halfon MP, Treasurer and Secretary, APPG-T

Ms. Frances Harrison Former BBC Foreign Affairs Reporter and Author of “Still Counting the Dead”



Mr Peter Kellner, Chair Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS)

Dr. Elvira Dominguez-Redondo, Senior Lecturer Middlesex University, speaking on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) initiative

Cde. Ms  Ribbon Mosholi, African National Congress International Relations Manager

Mr Bawa Abdul Kader, former Deputy Chairman of the Sri Lanka’s Teacher’s Union

Dr Danny Sriskandarajah, Secretary General of Civicus

Mr Gordon Weiss, former UN Spokesman in Sri Lanka & Author of “The Cage”   



Rt. Hon Theresa Villiers MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

Hon. Mr R. Sampanthan MP, Leader of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA)


Director Callum Macrae introduces excerpts ‘No Fire Zone’ documentary            


Rt. Hon Mr Nick Clegg MP, UK Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party

Rt. Hon Mr Ed Davey MP, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

Cde. Mrs Yasmin Sooka, Member of the UN Secretary-General’s Panel of Experts on Sri Lanka

Hon. Mr MA Sumanthiran MP, Human Rights Lawyer and Member of Parliament

Rt. Hon Ed Miliband MP, Leader of the Labour Party & Opposition Leader

Mr Lee Scott MP, Chair of APPG-T

Video Message

Rt. Hon David Miliband MP, former UK Foreign Secretary



Ms Kerry McCarthy MP, Shadow Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Minister with responsibility for Sri Lanka


Mr MCM Iqbal and Mrs R Iqbal, Human Rights Activists – Introduce excerpts of film on plight of women in the Vanni


Mr David Mepham, UK Director Human Rights Watch (HRW) on HRW’s new report We Will Teach You a Lesson’ -  Sexual Violence against Tamils by Sri Lankan Security Forces

Professor Joshua Castellino, Head of Law Department Middlesex University

Ms Yolanda Foster, Senior Researcher on Sri Lanka for Amnesty International



Rt. Hon. Grant Shapps MP, Chairman of the Conservative Party representing the Prime Minister Rt. Hon. David Cameron

Rt. Hon Douglas Alexander MP, Shadow Foreign Secretary

Hon. Mr Erik Solheim, Former peace negotiator in the Sri Lankan peace   process and Norwegian Government Minister

Professor William Schabas, International Law Expert Middlesex University

Rt. Hon Baroness Warsi, Senior Minister of State Foreign & CW Office

Rt. Hon Mr Simon Hughes MP, Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader and Vice Chair of APPG-T

Rt. Hon Mr Keith Vaz MP, Chair of UK’s Home Affairs Select Committee and Member of APPG-T

Vote of thanks

Rt. Hon Joan Ryan, Policy Advisor, GTF


See: GTF Conference Brochure


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