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Free Omar Khadr from Guantánamo: Senator Roméo Dallaire’s Campaign
Published Date: 15/07/2012 (Sunday)

Omar Khadr is the only child soldier ever prosecuted, and Guantanamo's last western prisoner. In 2010, Omar entered into a plea deal with the Canadian and American governments in exchange for a promise that he could return home to Canada to finish his sentence. The U.S. has already signed off on his return, yet the Canadian Government has refused to follow through on its end of the deal. All the while Khadr sits in solitary confinement in Guantanamo Bay.

During his 10 nightmarish years at Bagram and Guantánamo Bay, Omar Khadr’s rights have been violated time and again. He has been denied the right to due process and a fair trial, the right to protection from torture, and the rights stemming from the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocol on Children in Armed Conflict.

After years of dragging its feet, Canada finally agreed to his return in 2010, so long as he served one additional year in Guantánamo. No one forced the government’s hand. It made its promise voluntarily. That year has passed, and yet the transfer request continues to gather dust on the minister’s desk awaiting his signature. This is simply unacceptable.

Expressing his frustration -  It's time the Canadian Government live up to its promise to bring Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen, home -  Roméo A. Dallaire, (Ret'd), former soldier and Senator of Canada has launched a petition campaign  for Omar on Change.org. Canadians should be able to trust a promise made by their government, says the senator.

The case of Omar Khadr—a Canadian citizen and former child soldier—is a stain upon Canadian society and shows a blatant disregard for Canada’s obligations under international law.

It's now been ten years since the 2002 fire fight that led to his capture. The Supreme Court has even ruled Omar's rights have been violated time and again. He has been denied the right to due process, protection from torture, a fair trial, and the rights stemming from the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The rest of the world gets it. All other Western countries have successfully repatriated their citizens from Guantanamo. Canada stands alone.

A deal is a deal, says Senator Roméo A. Dallaire.  If thousands join me, we can force the Canadian Government to honour its promise to a Canadian citizen and child soldier abandoned in a place condemned by the world” was his passionate call to the world community .

Since his appointment as a senator in 2005, the Senator Roméo A. Dallaire  has been focussing his efforts on defending human rights, and in particular working to prevent genocide and bringing an end to the use of child soldiers.

To support the call to bring Omar to Canada sign the petition here:


For More information:

No End to the Shameful Treatment of Omar Khadr


Canada’s Shameful Treatment of Omar Khadr


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