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Judge order for the release of Tamil Nadu fishermen arrested by Sri Lankan Navy
Published Date: 27/07/2012 (Friday)

Twenty three Tamil Nadu Fishermen arrested by Sri Lankan navy on 22 July when they were fishing near Katchatheevu in the Palk Straits were released on 27 July. The news of their release was announced in New Delhi at a joint news conference attended by Indian External Affairs Minister S M Krishna and the visiting Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa.

The release of the fishermen came after India appealed to Sri Lanka to immediately set free the fishermen on humanitarian grounds, who were also accused of ramming their boats into Sri Lankan naval ships.

Writing to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha asked the government to "arrange" for the immediate release of 23 fishermen being held by the Sri Lankan Navy and to tell Colombo to instruct its Navy to refrain from arresting fishermen in their traditional waters.

In her letter she said, "I also wish to point out that unless the Government of India intervenes in this issue, there is every possibility of recurrence of such incidents in the coming She said the incidents of Sri Lankan Navy apprehending and harassing Indian Fisherman had become a regular occurrence and accused Colombo for “temporarily” suspending such activities during diplomatic level meetings, but resumes them immediately after.


In her letter to Manmohan Singh, she also drew attention to the island nation's Navy of trying to "instil” fear in the minds of the fishermen" and prevent them from fishing in their traditional waters, Katchatheevu -- an islet ceded to Sri Lanka by India in 1974, which she had filed a case in the Indian Supreme Court seeking the retrieval of the islet.

She said the Lankan Navy's actions had created a feeling of insecurity in the minds of the fishermen, who felt there is no guarantee for their lives and property in the sea. Fishermen of districts adjoining Palk Bay, especially from Rameswaram area, are targeted by the Sri Lankan Navy, making it impossible for them to conduct fishing," she said.

She further said the latest incident involving the Lankan navy off  Katchatheevu  is the second in 15 days.

On the arrest and detention of Indian fishermen, President of Fishermen Association in Rameswaram said that the fishermen, arrested on charges of entering the island nation’s waters were released following the order of Judge Anthonipillai Jutesen of Anurathapura courts.







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