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India: Three Sri Lankan Tamils apprehended by Tamil Nadu Police
Published Date: 02/04/2013 (Tuesday)

Three Sri Lankan Tamils, Prasanth (19) of Vallipunam in Mullaitivu, Vijayaraj (24) of North Meesalai near Paruthithurai and Vasantha Kumar (24) of chavakatchery,  have been apprehended today by Tamil Nadu Police at Arichalmunai near Dhanushkodi.  They were arrested following a tip-off from locals.

They said that they were facing hardships in Sri Lanka and so they have come to India in a boat. They were taken to Dhanuskodi police station for questioning. They have been charged under violation of Indian Passport Act.

Prasanth of Mullaitivu had told the police the Sri Lankan army continue to abduct Tamil youth and putting them in the Boosa prison near Colombo. The Sinhalese were trying to enter and dominate Tamil pockets, he alleged.

Expressing the fear that there was no safety for Tamils in the island nation, he said, “My mother had made arrangements for my journey to India so that I can escape the brutalities of the Lankan forces.”

Reports suggest that During interrogation, some police officers have allegedly beat them up pressuring them to reveal the reason behind their visit. The three youth had planned to reach Chennai after registering themselves at Mandapam transit camp and search for jobs.

Vasantha Kumar complained that the Sri Lankan government was providing employment opportunities to Chinese at the expense of Tamils. However, ‘Q’ branch inspector Kennedy had told that the they had so far not revealed the true purpose of the visit. He said that he suspects that they were planning to flee to Australia via Rameswaram.

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