Tamil Information Centre
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TIC has issued a number of news releases, memos, appreciation of human rights, social and cultural activists and published a number of documents on human rights and humanitarian issues to help create awareness on the situation in Sri Lanka, all of which are available for download here free.

Situation Report No.4_(17-11-1995)
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
Heavy rain and stiff resistance by the Little are reported to have made army’s advance difficult in Jaffna from 3rd to 9th November. The army resumed operations on 10th and the offensive continues. There has been a temporary halt in the military offensive on 16th November. The troops are now stationed one kilometer away from the northern suburbs of Nallur and Thirunelvely Junction. Reports from the East suggest that LTTE is planning a major offensive on Batticaloa town before the Sri Lankan military enter Jaffna town.
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Situation Report No.3_(09-11-1995)
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
The Sri Lankan government and the military continue to deny food to people affected by the war. Pressure is mounting on the government to allow the NGOs to provide humanitarian aid to the uprooted people from the Jaffna District who have sought refuge in Thenmaradchi and other areas. Reports suggest that nearly 5,000 people are daily crossing the Jaffna lagoon at Kilaly seeking refuge in Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Mannar and Vavuniya districts in the mainland. TIC sources say nearly 5,000 families have reached Mullaitivu. One relief worker who had accompanied about 100 people by foot to the Kilali crossing in heavy rains on 5th November said two men died of snakebite and eight children died of fits in the mothers' arms. Reports also say that Jaffna Hospital and the University of Jaffna have been evacuated.
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Situation Report No.2_(03-11-1995)
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
Due to continuing military advance in Jaffna, there is panic among the section of the population in the district which has still not moved out. The shelling and aerial bombing have caused damages to building and infrastructure. The movement of people to Thenmaradchi continue. Over 75,000 people reported to have crossed over to Killinochchi. The situation in Thenmaradchchi is deteriorating due to food shortage, drinking water, medicine and sanitary facilities.
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Situation Report No.1_(02-11-1995)
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
Ninety percent of the population from Valikamam, Jaffna, Nallur, Kopay, Chankanai, Sandilipai and Uduvil have been displaced since 30 October 1995. They have moved to Chavakachcheri. The rest of the population is also moving out. All state and private organisations are closed. The situation is beyond the control of Jaffna Secretariat and the NGOs, according to reports received from Jaffna by the Tamil Information Centre (TIC). Displacement in large number without any basic facilities such as food shelter, Transport and health facilities causing grave concern.
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Western nations to provide arms to Sri Lankan
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
The Sri Lankan government is seeking greater military assistance from other nations after the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) withdrew from peace talks on 19 April. The people’s Alliance (PA) won the general election on 16 August last year on a promise to settle the Tamil national problem. In November PA leader Chandrika Kumaratunge was elected President by an overwhelming majority on a peace platform. She promised to change the constitution to devolve power to the Tamil areas.
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The Human Rights Situation of the Tamil Speaking People of Sri Lanka- Memorandum
Uploaded Date: 21/04/2013
At its forty-ninth session the UN Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, 1993, expressed concern in regard to the human rights situation in Sri Lanka. The UN Commission acknowledged the statement of Mr. Tilak Marapana, the representative of Sri Lanka, in which he outlined a program of measures to be implemented during 1993. These included: taking appropriate measures to ascertain the whereabouts of alleged missing persons; prosecution of those found responsible for disappearances and other human rights violations; a comprehensive review and revision of emergency legislation relating to arrest and . detention; compilation and publication of a consolidated version of all current emergency regulations; continued efforts to explore all avenues with a view to arriving at a negotiated political solution to the problems related to the North and East; continued implementation of the recommendations of the Working Group on disappearances.
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Memorandum- Repatriation of Tamil Asylum Seekers (1993)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
We deeply regret that the Swedish government has removed two Tarnils to Sri Lanka refusing their application for asylum and there are now 18 others detained and they are to be removed to Sri Lanka. We understand that removal of Tamils to Sri Lanka was based on the view that the Sri Lankan authorities are now in a position to provide effective protection to Tamils in the cleared regions and in other areas such as Colombo and hill country.
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Evaluation Report-Career Planning for Tamil Women – Refugees (1993)
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
People flee their native lands for a variety of reasons. The Tamils from Sri Lanka fled their homeland because they were persecuted and were denied of opportunities for social, cultural and economic development. Tamil refugees arriving in Britain are from all walks of life. Some of them are educated, some have wide-ranging work experience and the others have good skills.
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Tamil Information - issue_no_28 & 29
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) launched Operation Thavalai, a massive assault on the Pooneryn army camp and the Nagathevanthurai naval base in Kilinochchi District on 11 November.The two military bases lie only a few miles apart, west of Elephant Pass. Sea Tigers landed near Nagathevanthurai naval base at 2.20 am in two rowing boats across the Kilali lagoon and began attacking the military's forward defence lines. Search lights in the base were smashed by gunfire. Another unit of 150 Sea Tigers landed in motor boats and entered the base. They targeted the communications building and damaged the radar and communication equipment cutting off links with other camps. Many sailors were killed in the unexpected attack and the others retreated east towards the Elephant Pass army camp.
Price: Free
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Tamil Information - issue_no_27
Uploaded Date: 20/04/2013
The University Grants Commission (UGC) decided in October to admit only 408 students to the Jaffna University for the 1992-93 academic years although 1,180 vacancies exist in all the faculties of the University. The Jaffna University Senate has expressed concern over the decision and has requested the UGC to consider the special difficulties in Jaffna and admit more students. The difficulties of northern students in pursuing education have been highlighted in the Tamil Information Centre publication "Sri Lanka: Economic Blockade". Over 100 schools are not functioning and as a result education of thousands of students has been affected.
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