Tamil Information Centre
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 Vision and Mission

The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) desires peace, stability and harmony in the island of Sri Lanka where:


  • The people live with dignity free from persecution and their civil, political, economic and cultural rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and other international instruments of the United Nations are recognised;
  • Self preservation within their homeland is promoted, and every individual in any part of the island is respected, cared for and loved; 
  • Human rights are respected, fostered and promoted without oppression; 
  • The right of self-determination of all peoples is recognised empowering them to freely determine their political status and freely pursue their political, economic, social and cultural development. 


The Tamil Information Centre's mission is to empower people, particularly those suffering persecution and subjected to human rights abuses, valuing the distinct identities and differences among them and to improve the quality of life through access to knowledge. To fulfill its mission the TIC strives to: 

  • Assist in the search for a just and lasting peace in Sri Lanka;
  • Respond to the needs and problems of victims of war or oppression in Sri Lanka;
  • Protect refugees and asylum-seekers at risk of persecution by providing information about the situation in Sri Lanka, refugee rights and other relevant issues;
  • Initiate advocacy and public campaigns on these issues to promote the adoption of just policies and procedures by governments and international institutions;
  • Disseminate information and works of creative imagination in order to increase public knowledge on Tamil history, culture and contemporary politics;
  • Provide facilities for research, consultation, advice and community activities.
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past and future events
<<<Mar - 1851>>>
Stand up for Rights and Justice
Tell the truth
Give your voice to Sri Lanka's Tea pickers
The international day of biological diversity falls next Saturday, May 22.
Latest Publication
Lest We Forget: Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day 2021 Lest We Forget: Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day 2021


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