Tamil Information Centre
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TIC calls on the Sri Lanka government to create a single authoritative record of causalities of Armed Violence

The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) welcomes the statement made by the Sri Lankan Minister of  Defence, Gotabaya Rajapaksa on Thursday, 24 November 2011, at the Inaugural National Conference on “Reconciliation: The Way Forward for Post Conflict Sri Lanka”, recognizing the importance of recording civilian casualties of war in Sri Lanka. Defense Minister Rajapakse confirmed that a census is being carried out by the Department of Census and Statistics, in an effort to gather information on civilian deaths in the final battle in 2009.

The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) welcomes the statement made by the Sri Lankan Minister of Defence, Gotabaya Rajapaksa on Thursday, 24 November 2011, at the Inaugural National Conference on “Reconciliation: The Way Forward for Post Conflict Sri Lanka”, recognizing the importance of recording civilian casualties of war in Sri Lanka. Defense Minister Rajapakse confirmed that a census is being carried out by the Department of Census and Statistics, in an effort to gather information on civilian deaths in the final battle in 2009.

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