Tamil Information Centre
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Abduction of Sinhalese leftist journalists underlines the deepening chaos in Sri Lanka


M. A. Sisira Priyankara, trade union activist and editor of the monthly newspaper Akuna, Nihal Serasinghe, member of the railway trade union Dumriya Kamkaru Ekathuva and Lalith Seneviratne were abducted on 5 February in Colombo, allegedly by the security forces. These abductions have outraged the Tamil, Sinhala and Muslim intellectuals, journalists, community leaders as well as many ordinary citizens of Sri Lanka. The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) is gravely concerned for their safety. So far, no law enforcement authority has claimed responsibility. We deplore these actions which endanger the lives of journalists and call on the government to launch an immediate impartial investigation into abductions by security forces.

M. A. Sisira Priyankara, trade union activist and editor of the monthly newspaper Akuna, Nihal Serasinghe, member of the railway trade union Dumriya Kamkaru Ekathuva and Lalith Seneviratne were abducted on 5 February in Colombo, allegedly by the security forces. These abductions have outraged the Tamil, Sinhala and Muslim intellectuals, journalists, community leaders as well as many ordinary citizens of Sri Lanka. The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) is gravely concerned for their safety. So far, no law enforcement authority has claimed responsibility. We deplore these actions which endanger the lives of journalists and call on the government to launch an immediate impartial investigation into abductions by security forces.

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