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A Note on the arrest of Tamils on LTTE charges in Britain on 21 June 2007


On 28 February 2001, the British Home Secretary included the LTTE in the list of proscribed organizations under the Terrorism Act 2000. The ban on the LTTE in Britain came into force on 29 March 2001. A proscribed organization or any person affected by the ban may appeal to the Home Secretary for the removal of the ban. If such an appeal is rejected, an application for review may be made to a tribunal known as the Proscribed Organizations Appeal Commission. Appeal on a point of law from the decision of the Commission lies to the Court of Appeal.

On 28 February 2001, the British Home Secretary included the LTTE in the list of proscribed organizations under the Terrorism Act 2000. The ban on the LTTE in Britain came into force on 29 March 2001. A proscribed organization or any person affected by the ban may appeal to the Home Secretary for the removal of the ban. If such an appeal is rejected, an application for review may be made to a tribunal known as the Proscribed Organizations Appeal Commission. Appeal on a point of law from the decision of the Commission lies to the Court of Appeal.

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