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The UN Human Rights Council must ensure Sri Lankan State's human rights responsibility and accountability


The 27 January 2003 report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Continuing Dialogue on the Measures to Promote and Consolidate Democracy, says that the way to build a real participatory democracy is that the system of governance must be characterized by the rule of law in conformity with human rights standards, including the right to development. A strong and independent judiciary is absolutely essential for the protection of basic human rights and, indeed, for the preservation of democracy. States bear ultimate responsibility as guarantors of democracy, human rights and rule of law.

The 27 January 2003 report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Continuing Dialogue on the Measures to Promote and Consolidate Democracy, says that the way to build a real participatory democracy is that the system of governance must be characterized by the rule of law in conformity with human rights standards, including the right to development. A strong and independent judiciary is absolutely essential for the protection of basic human rights and, indeed, for the preservation of democracy. States bear ultimate responsibility as guarantors of democracy, human rights and rule of law.

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