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Bandarawela Massacre-Total disregard to the right to life


The international human rights community is shocked and distressed over the massacre of  31 young Tamils in the Bindunuwewa Rehabilitation Centre situated three miles north-east of  Bandarawela in Sri Lanka on 25 October. The gruesome massacre has shattered the feeling of security of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka.  UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and Amnesty International have called on the Sri Lankan authorities to conduct an impartial inquiry to bring those responsible to justice. In a statement issued through his spokesman Manoel De Almediae Silva, says he is “profoundly distressed” over the massacre and has appealed to everyone in Sri Lanka to refrain from any escalation of violence. 

The international human rights community is shocked and distressed over the massacre of 31 young Tamils in the Bindunuwewa Rehabilitation Centre situated three miles north-east of Bandarawela in Sri Lanka on 25 October. The gruesome massacre has shattered the feeling of security of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and Amnesty International have called on the Sri Lankan authorities to conduct an impartial inquiry to bring those responsible to justice. In a statement issued through his spokesman Manoel De Almediae Silva, says he is “profoundly distressed” over the massacre and has appealed to everyone in Sri Lanka to refrain from any escalation of violence.

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