Tamil Information Centre
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Keenie Meenie Services

Date: 19/08/2020

The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) is demanding accountability for alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka during the 1980s involving British mercenaries from Keenie Meenie Services (KMS).

The allegations are currently being investigated by the Metropolitan Police war crimes team in London.

In the 1980s, our late founder Mr Varadakumar highlighted massacres of Tamils in which British mercenaries were suspected of being involved.

When new evidence of Britain's role began to emerge in 2015, Mr Varadakumar and TIC supported fresh efforts to expose the truth.

This culminated in January 2020 with the publication of a book by investigative journalist Phil Miller.

TIC then raised concerns with the UN Working Group on Mercenaries in March 2020.

The UN group subsequently wrote to the UK Foreign Office, Sri Lankan government and Saladin Security, whose directors include David Walker (pictured).

Walker oversaw mercenary operations in Sri Lanka by his previous company, Keenie Meenie Services.

The Foreign Office replied to the UN in August 2020. Saladin replied to the UN in September 2020.

In October 2020, TIC filed a detailed complaint with the Met Police war crimes team, which launched a full investigation into KMS after completing a scoping exercise.

For more details please contact TIC project coordinator Dr Rachel Seoighe [email protected]

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