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Essaying cricket Sri Lanka and beyond
Uploaded Date: 04/05/2013
Essaying Cricket Sri Lanka and Beyond is a collection of articles on a varied body of classical tales in the history of Cricket compiled by Michael Roberts. The collections are mostly covers the period 2000-2004. The largest body of writings, involving several writers, within this book addresses the interrelated figure of Muralitharan, chucking episodes and the attempts to interpret the Chucking law. A number of articles written by the author however, dwell on the issue of verbal intimidation on the cricket field and the sports nationalism.
Price: £ 20.00
Security Council Report
Uploaded Date: 04/05/2013
This is Security Council Report’s fifth Cross-Cutting Report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict following the publication of our first such report in October 2008. With this report we continue to systematically track the Security Council’s involvement in the protection of civilians since it first emerged as a separate thematic topic in 1999. The report looks at relevant developments at the thematic level since our last cross-cutting report and analyses Council action in country-specific situations relating to the protection of civilians, highlighting the case of Syria. It also discusses the impact of evolving Council dynamics and outlines some emerging issues for the Council’s future consideration.
Price: Free
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Tamil medicine
Uploaded Date: 04/05/2013
Tamil medicine
Price: Free
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